A big update about some MollyGirl news went out today to our email subscribers! In case you aren't on the list and didn't get the memo, here's what it said:
So many new things! So many! Words! Ahh!
First things first: something I've been teasing at (or straight up telling people who asked about) is finally coming to pass. It's something I've given a lot of thought and care to, and it's something I believe is in the best interest of both MollyGirl and me personally.
As of March 1st, MollyGirl's online shoppe will not be restocking some of our most popular bases, including Bass Line, Diva, Rock Star, Rock Star DK, and Harmony. Never fear, these yarns will still be available to you through our wonderful stockists (a list that is still steadily growing) both online and in person. I've essentially made these yarns wholesale only! So you can still get them easily (and I'm sure your favorite local stockist would be happy to take a custom order for anything you really want to get your hands on, never fear!) and in the broad range of colors we've always had. My reasons are many and varied, and I hope you will understand that this is really an awesome thing.
The really good news? We're having a sale! We need to make room for all the things that are headed our way right now, including our newest yarn, Honky Tonk Lite, which will be new for spring, among a couple of other newbies. So think of this as a last sendoff for us here at MollyGirl HQ for these yarns and also spring cleaning! Now through 3/10, use code SOLONG to get 25% off all our current regular stock of Bass Line, Diva, Rock Star, Rock Star DK, and Harmony and more! Click here to see everything that's currently up for grabs. Don't wait, because once they're gone.... well, you can still get most of them, just not from me personally =]
I won't keep you much longer. Here's a list of new stuff you can expect to hear/see/experience more about in the coming weeks and months:
New yarns! We have plans to release at least 3 new yarns in 2018. Honky Tonk Lite, a fingering weight version of Honky Tonk DK, is first up, so expect an announcement about this relatively soon!
New Club! I've been getting a lot of questions about when we'll be doing another club; that is actually currently in the works. I had a hugely inspirational experience this weekend (which I gushed about in the MG Blog) and it sparked what I think will be a good, long-lived idea that you will all really enjoy. Right now I'm expecting to start sign-ups in July, so keep your eyes peeled for more on that.
New Blog! Yes, due to much heckling, I actually started a blog. It has two rather rambly, probably embarassing entries in it so far. This is progress for me, so if you are so inclined/want to hear me be rambly and embarassing on a regular basis, you can find it here. (Fair warning: I write like I talk. Which means there are swear words. ...sorry, Mom.)
New colors! I have new colors tentatively mapped out for Spring, Summer, & Fall, and you can expect news on Spring colors soon too!
New shows! The list of shows on our homepage is currently up-to-date (and the ones coming up fastest are listed at the bottom of every email) so mark your calendars!
I'm reasonably sure I've forgotten at least something, but this is quite a lot for now. I'll be very impressed if you've actually gotten this far and haven't just run off to the sale! I would've. =D