The Story of the Star Ornaments... continued...
When I had a couple of balls half full, I decided to throw some glitter in one of them and see how I felt about it. (It's in the last photo - you may recognize the mess on the table from an earlier post about the satisfaction of sorting?) I left it on my desk and played with it for a few days before deciding it just wouldn't do. They had to be full.
So, I filled one up and then painstakingly shook all of the stars out of it and into a bowl so I could count them. While not the most obnoxious crafty task I've ever undertaken, there were tweezers involved in the end and it isn't something I would recommend. In my 80mm balls I fit between 180 and 210 stars made with standard 1cm precut paper strips. For mental math's sake, I'm calling it 200 stars per balls.
Yup. Two hundred stars per 80mm ornament.
At this point I had 32 ornaments total. One full. One half-full. And the rest somewhere between 30% and 0% full.
Me thinking I had a "huge" amount of stars at the beginning (everything in the original sorting photo) is funnier and funnier, isn't it?
My husband told me not to pressure myself to do them all. I told him I wasn't... and I didn't. But I finished them anyway and the whole thing from start to end has just been such fun.
All 32 balls are now packed into individual shipping boxes ($0.33 each from U-Line) with tissue paper and additional stars in a way that I hope will result in a shower of stars when the recipient opens the box. (The boxes are boring and don't stack nicely, so I omitted a photo of them.) Some are just getting shipped as-is in their little shippers, and some will get a final finishing touch... stay tuned!