Hi all! Here's a little update following our Instagram post to tell you what's going on with the shoppe!
As you can see, the shoppe is back up and running, but not everything is here. All our stock still exists, but while I navigate my current health situation I'm only listing the things that easy for me to ship. If there is something specific you're looking for, please don't hesitate to send me an email so I can help you out! I'm slow at answering my emails at present, but rest assured if you're waiting on a response that nothing is wrong, I just haven't checked it out yet. I'm happy to set you up a custom order either for me to dye up for you or for something I need one of my many helpers to pull out for you. Everything is just running a little slower at present.
In that vein, we are also limiting shipping to once a month. We're in the process of developing and adding new club options which will all ship at the end of each month. All non-club orders will ship at the same time. So if you order at the beginning of a month, please be advised your order will ship at the end of the month on our shipping date. If you need something urgently, please send me an email or message on Instagram and I will do my best to get your order out for you. However, I can't promise anything outside of my once-monthly shipping.
Thanks so much for your understanding while I navigate my stuff. <3